STYLE PATROL : on the streets of new york
First, off ANYONE who knows ricebag, knows I am going-to-GOT-TO live in a one-room apartment in Manhatten before I die - just GOTTA!! It's my only wet-dream, my ultimate nod to the one place where I believe anything can happen ... including me being a writer, a pid write, a writer of small obscure reflections ... where I can sit in my one-man and type with my forefingers as the roaches scuttle behind the blinds. But more than that, so I can be one more anon anon anon on the pavements of the city where squakers hawk and dreams make golddust. Romatic poverty in highest form ... the pursuit of art.
But alas ... while I idle away my finest years in my air-con tower in a pacific ples, I scan images of my NYC streets through this increasingly popular, photo-laden fashion blog which Scott Schuman, 38, started when he quit the fashion industry to be a stay-at-home dad. Awwwwwwwww.
The Sartorialist combines Schuman’s street photography of fashionable every-day New Yorkers with his detailed style commentary. Schuman details mostly men's clothing but also shows us women who are tailored. The thing I really like is that he likes old people - esp old men - their care for their appearance and the small details - and equally, he's on top of what teens are wearing and does it in that so-Sofia Coppola way where everyone young is an un-self-censored image of forever.
And I like the way he likes older women and old men - you don't have to be Mischa to be perfect. You just have to know.

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