Wednesday, September 28, 2005

only skinny girls wear pants ... happy birthday ricebag

I just figured it out ...


recognise ricebag : ricebags bum atop rickshaw : new delhi : smoggy thick to suck greay gritty air of pahrganj : you know you know you just you know you just want to go home

Yessah ... I write you from my cool air-conditioned shh shh office. Lots and lots of air-conditioning. Lots of shhhhhhhh, noise that is not actually noise, humming that lies just under the radar - not sure exactly what it is - leather-backed swivel seats rolling across marbled carpet; computer hard-drives whirring some electronic pah; the slick sleeves of flipping folders and files; ink-jet printers emitting paper emissaries signalling the work due now, due tomorrow, due yesterday.

12 months ago to the day Ricebag was walking down off Mt Sinai in the Sinai Desert, Egypt.

24 months ago to the day Ricebag can't remember what exactly she was doing but she was with Finah in Amsterdam, camping by a river with a bunch load of bikers.

36 months ago to the day Ricebag was losing her impossible love in the blue blue mountains of Enga.

48 months ago to the day Ricebag was solo trekking and rescued by a missionary plane somewhere on the wrong side of the border.

Today is the first ricebag birthday that she will be celebrating with her family since her bash on 28 September 1997, Glebe Sidoneeeeee Ostroileeeeeeeya.

Yeah. I am having my cake. I am having my cake.

Ricebag has had loads of lovely emails and hugs and phone-calls (best one so far from Gov all the way in Dubvegas) ...

What a nice surprise ... the first email of ricebag's bondei follows:

Hi Ricebag,

I'm not sure if you would remember me, but, i must say time doesn't always erase memories of our youth. My names B** T**, and I went to primary school with you at *** International primary school in ***, I think you had just arrived from living in Brussels.

Anyway I'm emailing to let you know that I recently came across your doco "***" which is currently filming here in Auckland tomorrow Wed 28th Sept 2005 (your birthday...happy birthday) and have organised for a number of PNG'ns living in Auckland to come and support. We are all looking forward to seeing the doco.

Well congratulations on the making of what I know is a great documentry and also for all your amazing achievements so far.

Look forward to hearing from you.

B*** T***

Yes ... Ricebag made a doco ... an internationally-award winning doco with some mates of hers in the blue mountains of her blood in 2002 . It was physically, mentally and emotionally the most taxing thing I have ever done in my life. Beautiful and hard. It broke me down and I am still wading through the flotsam ... which is probably why I haven't spoken of it until now.

Some kind of weird karma that its now showing on my birthday ... big-up to all you NZers ... hope you enjoy - and please drop me an email to let me know!!


Blogger Ms Bomana said...

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28 September, 2005 19:10  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday IslandBaby. It may not sound as exciting or exotic to be celebrating it the way you did as a kid - in your own place, with your own family - but I reckon it's hard to beat.

I hope you find a way to screen this doco in Moresby too - though it, like today's picture of you, may be letting the mask slip a little...

28 September, 2005 19:14  
Blogger highlander islander said...

Ms Bomana

oooooooops ... CAN YOU REALLY TELL ITS ME?? uh oh. guess that grainy fix mightn't do such a great job after all.

had a great b'day.

hope to see you before you go - will send an email.


30 September, 2005 08:14  
Blogger Nomad said...

yo yo, hepi birthday to you. sorry tis belated, but hey I'm on holidays! catch soon.

30 September, 2005 11:37  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

please do, ms ricebag - it'd be fun to catch up sometime. I'm getting back to that starting-to-drown-in-boredom stage out here in the sticks (you know it's bad when you drag youself outta bed early in the hols to catch a glimpse of HRH's car flashing past, just because it's something to do...)

and yeah the multi-grain does work... sorta

30 September, 2005 19:00  

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