Friday, June 03, 2005

(sort of) blogging stats

RAZOR (aka Charles Wright) blogs for the Sydney Morning Herald newspaper - he blogs to help others understand technology. Here are some snatches from a couple of his blogs about blogging ...

  • 52.8 per cent of all blogs belong to people aged 19 or younger, the typical blogger being a teenage girl who uses the medium primarily to communicate with five to 10 friends

  • according to the Wall St Journal, there's 10 million blogs out there. Or 31 million. Or 60 million. Depending on who's counting them and whether or not they're designed to be read by the public
  • according to the Wall St Journal, as recently as last fall/autumn, only 40 per cent of Internet users knew what a blog is
  • at Technorati, CEO David Sifri recently told a blog conference in Seoul - you don't have to explain to Koreans what a blog is - daily volume is 800,000 to 900,000 posts. But a researcher at competitor BlogPulse, which says it has more blogs in its index, counts only between 350,000 and 450,000 posts a day, due to the fact that the average blogger can summon the energy to post only once every 10 days

Who knows, we may have uncovered a new physical law, like entropy, which holds that the total number of blog posts will never be more than 450,000 per day, due to the fact that there's only 24 hours in a day, and the people who are willing to spend some of them sitting down and dreaming up these things tend to actually have other things to do in their lives.


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