Thursday, May 25, 2006

SARTORIAL: bono a la nude

Clothing With A Conscience

Fully embracing sustainable style and commerce, Bono of U2 fame, his wife Ali Hewson, and designer Rogan are the creators behind a new fashion line called Edun (visit their latest beautiful collection here). That's "nude" spelled backwards. Its a line that emphasizes organic fabrics and ethical guidelines.

Drawing upon a business model as beautiful as its design aesthetics, the company was founded on what it calls the Four Respects:

  1. Respect for the people who make our product.
  2. Respect for the place where we make it.
  3. Respect for the materials used.
  4. Respect for the consumer.

Each pair of jeans is inscribed: “We carry the story of the people who make our clothes around with us.”

Edun’s garments are designed after the capabilities of the factories in Lima, Peru, and Monastir, Tunisia, Lesotho, South Africa, and Tanzania in East Africa. If you go to the Edun website you might notice the company’s logo and the graphics on some of the spring garments were inspired by the Art Nouveau movement, which was in many ways a response to the Industrial Revolution.

For ricebag, I just like the clothes. Slim yet Baggy. Mouldy yet Modern. Cut how I like. Stylistic without being cool-stroppy or a little-bit-slutty or even a little-too-smart. Very Sexy in that Very White-On-White off a blazing rock in a sleepy Goan coast sort-of-way ... or eqyually Paris in the Park. Lurverly really. And definitely Islandbaby Sartorial.


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