SARTORIAL: american bonds
Some moons ago I used to post a Sartorial piece on Fridays (just because) ... and in the same vein, I am going to blog-up on some things that ricebag loves and wants to share in the way of clothes.
For today ... it's AMERICAN APPAREL - the BONDS (or superior COTTON ON) equivalent of the states. After Sydney and ricebag overdosing on very nice, very lovely soft, sexy cotton basics ... it's still very much on my mind, and my skin.
American Apparel clothes mostly made of 100% soft stretch cotton, organic cotton, jersey, terry, velour and poplin. And why is American Apparel so good? Coz its just totally spot-on with the basics. Basic t's and singlets and hoods and trackies and undies and bras and the whol bit - very good quality basic clothes that fit and feel fine - who wouldn't pay for that?!
The cool bit is also that geography is no problem (as it is ((% of the time when you live in a far-away never-never land like I do) - American Aparrel operates most of its business over the American Aparrel online store - and the best thing is you can order almost every item in a whole range of colours and patterns - uh oh ... add credit card and hey presto!
Here are some sneak peaks at the great basics available online (these pics are from the women's range but they do mens, kids, babies & swimwear too):

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