Wednesday, August 16, 2006


As ricebag is technically going to be living alone, MyMama has brought down one of my 19 year old cousins from her village, Raiakam, laid deep in a wide flat green Tsak valley, far into the blue mountains of Enga. Her name is Maliya which means "pretty girl" in our language.

Yes, nobody can conceive of ricebag living solo in these days and times. me, myself, I feel fine. I think I'd be a little scared at night in this house alone, but my cousins live on my street - they're only a curdling scream away. So, then everyone was telling me to get a 'boy' ie one of my male relatives to live with me. But Trust Me I said - I know exactly what these 'boys' are like - they roam around all day and come home and eat and sleep. I new if I got a 'girl', one of my girl relatives, that a girl would stay home, would Be at home, would Help at home and mor eimportantly, would be a Companion. And MyMama felt that way too.

Pretty Girl is 19 19 19 19 ...... and very very pretty. I know just BEING 19 makes you pretty, but she is physically pretty and pretty inside too - spiritually eccentric methinks. The girl talks and sings to herself, laughs when noone else is in the room and I think she is living a lotta time in some PrettyGirl universe. PrettyGirl doesn't much motor at ricebag-speed and it's more half-time to my rat-a-tat-tat ... but it works.

Unforutnately though, PrettyGirl is making ricebag laaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy. She helps keep everything spotless, helps with my laundry, does the dishes and is clearing up the rowdy garden. I shop and cook and that's about the extent of my daily domestic chores.

So yeah. I like having her around. Because she's not loud but she's quiet-smart and she laughs and she's kind and she's patient. She's a bit of an innocent and that's endearing. Also, coming to Port Moresby was the first time ever on a plane for her and my world is bringing into hers a whole slew of 'firsts'.

PrettyGirl is going back to school next year but I have her until then and for that I am PrettyGrateful.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey RB,

I know what you mean, I have a PrettyGirl clone over at my house too, except I call her PrettyDarnTerrific! Not only does she ensure that the needs, demands, tantrums and whims of my 2 rugrats are met, but she also ensures that all of my needs, demands, tantrums and whims are met.

Makes me guilty to depend so much on her but at the same time it makes me appreciate our unique PNG culture even more. In the sense that she respects me as her elder and for her, these tasks are her way of showing gratitude....

Take care love n keep posting....


24 August, 2006 14:38  

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