Thursday, May 03, 2007

not quite alone

you know how i live alone? well i am not so sure that is true to say. i have a silent, invisible "friend". at least i hope they are a friend. in any event they sometimes leave little reminders that they are there. little things all the time but more activity of late - like so:

  • when ricebag literally throws her towels haphazardly on the washing line, she never pegs them. when ricebag came home to take towels off the line, they were all pegged and hung squarly.
  • ricebag hung several floor mats out to air on the balcony. in the morning every other mat out of 6 was on the ground - if the wind blew them off then it should have blown all of them off, not every. other. one. (not that it was windy - it wasn't).
  • the bedrooms of the house are separated from the living areas of the house by a corridor. this corridor is locked religiously by ricebag who takes the key out of the door when she leaves the house. ricebag came home to find the key in the door and the door open.
  • at least once a day the light in that corridor will turn itself on.

i suppose all these things and the rest could be "explained away". but i prefer to go with what my gut tells me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I slept in that house!

Your friend(?) saw me naked!

(Ok, not the first or the last to see me naked. Nonetheless, without my permission! They could have at least asked! Ok, back to the point now...)

Obviously it's a nice friend, if they peg up towels. Obviously they don't like your interior decorating skills, and they believe in leaving doors open for opportunity. And lights on for seeing. Etc.

Did I say eek???

03 May, 2007 17:13  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds quite friendly to me...unless they want to start chatting with you??

03 May, 2007 20:54  
Blogger highlander islander said...

friendly friendly. or more like you dont bother me and i dont bother you.

as for cg - you are an original eeeeeeeeeek-sayer. an eeeeeeeeek-sayer. so be proud and eeeeek away i say. remember - Not eke but eek - very important distinction.

04 May, 2007 07:11  

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