Tuesday, October 16, 2007


There are some excellent reasons why I won't haven't and shall die trying NOT to join facebook. Some of them are illuminated here: http://blogs.smh.com.au/mashup/archives/your_say/016052.html

BTW for all ricebags friends on facebook - email me, talk to me, drink with me, dine with me, walk with me. Don't facebook me. I don't live there. Baby lives in real time.

Having said all of that tho - I have a widdle confession to make ... yesterday I joined up for 5 minutes - long enough to try to find a man that I met in a lift last Friday night. Yes yes yes. I am that desperate. But it wasn't just any man. It was an eco-warrior man, my LiftMan.

Sufficed to say my tiny babysteps into facebook did not turn up LiftMan but I don't think the answer was ever there. As I have no name, just a face - but it seems that may be just enough to go on. JayBird is helping me here - help me ladddddddeeeeeeeeeee. With her fellow eco-warrior contacts and together we just might find him.

Unless he finds me first.


PS I have now deactivated my facebook account so pleeeeeease don't look for me there.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I enjoy reading your posts. Been kind of stalking you (via your blog only) in a nice way for past 8 months.

Totally agree with you about facebook, have had several invitations but I have not and do not intend to ever join.

hope you find a name for Lift man

16 October, 2007 22:03  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh just bloody join it. It makes life easier. You may be closer to Melbourne than Madang but you're still ages away!

And I hope you find liftman. Why don't you stick a note in the lift?

17 October, 2007 09:27  
Blogger highlander islander said...

OMG. What an excellent idea! But then I have to put my phone number in a public place??

Oooooooooooh. I liiiiiike this idea.

Let me do it.

17 October, 2007 09:56  

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