Wednesday, December 06, 2006

peace in the capital

Guess where I am???

You'll never guess - so let me tell you - CANBERRA!!

Yessah - ricebag strolls into work this morning only to be told she has to RUN run RUN to the airport and jump on a plane to Australia. So I did run to the airport and met my mum there who brought me a bag of clothes after I rang her and said she had 4 minutes to pack and 6 minutes to get to the airport.

So this is a MILESTONE of sorts. Ricebag's first-ever proper strictly-workity-work-work- related overseas trip.

And here I find myself in one of the oldest, art-deco, 5star, prestigious hotels in Canberra. The bellboys are dressed in 1930s garb, they serve proper afternoon tea in the clickety clack chequer-board-floor lobby and my massive room has a bathtub the size of my car. Yeah yeah.

It's not all good though. Somehow tomorrow ricebag has to hit this nation's capital and run from office to office and hopefully pull the rabbit out of someone's hat or someone's ass or someone's heart. There will be some begging and pleading involved. So wish me luck lovers!!

Whatever the case, in case you didn't know - ricebag used to live here 20 (that's right - you heard me) ... TWENTY ... years ago. As a little gal, in 1986 - The Year Of Peace. That was a year spent with galpals Pip, Nazli and Katie-Kate ... making lemonade and selling cupcakes by the side of the road while the world sang ... "And Now This is Christmas" ... and we ate all our brocolli ... all of us in The Year Of Peace doing this for the starving babies in Africa.

And tomorrow I am going to sqeeze a trip to my old house on La Perouse. and I am going to try not to cry. But no promises.


Blogger highlander islander said...

hey guys!!

thanks for the comments but remember - no using myreal name pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese!!

love you lots and see you soon!!


07 December, 2006 12:05  
Blogger highlander islander said...


Pink U - am on waiting list to return tomorrow - so wish me luck so I make it back on time. ALSO I promise to bring my Miss A and a bottle of 42 on satdee.

And Manu - will send pics.


07 December, 2006 12:12  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh sorry darling!

Ok goodie see you tomorrow, we hopes!


08 December, 2006 09:21  

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