Thursday, May 24, 2007

moving closer to melbourne than madang

hola lovers

methinks some of you might have been getting that ricebag is moving soon ... yes she is ... she is moving closer to melbourne than madang - in fact, to sydney, to be precise. in one month. for work. for work. for work. and for sydney.

those of you who have been following me these past 2 years in papua new guinea might have heard me miss sydney a little and come to understand that i think what i really missed was the me that was in sydney rather than the city itself ... and then when all my life down there finally got shipped back to png, to have that love affair go through another metamorph ... until on my last trip i realised, i had let her go, that while i found her beautiful, i had let sydney go.

as i said, there's nuthin like crisp sheets and brittle wind, like sun on your face and 5 dollars in your hand as you skip to the beat of the banana-bread clan. that's why i was a Sucker for Sydney, it was all the little, really simple, things that bit me. and I felt clean and good. sometimes. like fresh grass.

and i can't forget the beauty. the old-man pubs. the energy. the shade. the heels and champers on a sun-dial lawn with croquet at 12 and debauchery soon therafter. hallowed and hailed. loads of pretty girls and even some pretty boys too. sand in the sheets and night drives to the shore. i'd like to think i gave as good as i got. but i'm not sure that's entirely true.

in any event, we're on for round 2.

and with woo and bare-bum and MyMama and all my boarders and all my collegiates and all my 4am down-time gals and my semi-precious lovers ... with my ex-pnger's from miss bomana to pinky u ... sydney is going to be one very pretty year. i can just tell.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

well for sure i just can't wait for all nighters that run into september...xxxx just got back into Berlin from America this morning....up there with the best trip of my life - LA, Vegas, NYC with some good giggling much fun but missed Berlin and Sydney...suprising but true woo xxx

26 May, 2007 21:21  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just for a year..... Then you got to come back to us here in POM. Right? Yes and I'm going to hold my breathe....


28 May, 2007 17:51  
Blogger highlander islander said...

woo - am so jealous cant see straight - so glad you had vegas and girls and alla that good stuff that comes inbetween. looking very forward to 4am and sydney with you

finah - no breath-holding. don't forget the uncle search. love you loads.


29 May, 2007 05:20  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wondering what one packs for a year away? What are you packing?

04 June, 2007 18:04  
Blogger highlander islander said...

Awww Chris.

You're asking me a hard question. HARD!!!

If I knew it was really one year the answer would be simple. simple.

I dunno. dunno.

I will answer in a week.

07 June, 2007 06:13  

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