Wednesday, November 07, 2007


yesterday i did not get out of bed. until 8am. pure. indulgence.

yesterday i was jewellery naked. i did not wear any jewellery. no bitty earrings. no silver fish bracelet. no london whitby. no glittering headband. nada.

yesterday was melbourne cup and. my horse. didn't. come in.

yesterday i wanted to. be. in melbourne.

yesterday i left work when it was still daylight outside - i havent done that on a weekday since august

yesterday i cooked dinner while it was still daylight outside - i havent done that on a weekday since i got here. not. in daylight.

yesterday i hugged a verrry good looking boy. goodbye. in my kitchen.

i offered him tan, turqoise or black. and he said. black. is. best.

yesterday i took my colleagues to the best yum cha in the city. yum. yum. cha.

yesretday i had. one tsingtao. too many. at lunch. and should have gone another.

yesterday a taxi cab driver took me the looong way around the city, across darling harbour and down the rocks. cost me $10 more. than it should. but i didnt complain. in the 4 months since i got here, that's the first time i have been down to either. darling harbour. or the rocks.

yesterday. it. rained.


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