oh my soul

BabySister arrived yesterday. Cannot even believe she is here. Finally. After waiting this past year out in this ungrateful land. Her flight got in at 5am and I was awake all night just waiting ... such a surreal day altogether ... picking her up and then dropping off MyMama a few hours later on a flight out of POM ... making it to church and a wedding ... crashing at the house for lunch and then going to massive 4th birthday party for the baby of our wantok-greg. What a first day back in PNG!
And BabySister did not come empty-handed. Other than hugs and kisses, we're all being spoilt by her generous, huge massive heart and her 2 heavy bags, that flew with her and the Prime Minister from Narita, hold only her underwear and our presents. Lucky lucky lucky riecbag got ipod; got digicam; got beautifully painted ricepaper; candles; lots of things KAWAII!!; make-up from MAC cosmetics; Chanel Allure parfum ... loads of lipgloss and other things PNG dont know but BabySister do.
She is at home today ... washing my car and cleaning the house ... she is CRAZY - she is also unstoppable. I forgot just how goddam independent she is and she definitely does NOT like to take a piece of strongly worded advice (no matter how nicely its phrased) ... she is healthy and happy and loud and quiet and huggy and buggy and my grandma wailed in the Engan-grandma way when she held onto BabySister for going-on 11 minutes ... yeah yeah. And she's smart. And her skin is baby-smooth PERFECT. And she's funny. All day yesterday, through all the rituals of visiting loved ones and churched ones and wantok ones ... hard to escape notice that she captivates people. Ohmegadsters ... is that pride I hear??
ricebag so so proud.
And happy. My partner-in-crime has arrived and I cannot wait to show her off.
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