Wednesday, March 07, 2007

bird and frog refuse to lose

Pinky U showed ricebag this site which is a webcounter to this webpage and it's free - so I signed up 2 days ago and it's been quite interesting, seeing who is peeking in and how they got here.

I thought I'd let you in on just a few of the more interesting Google searches which brought people from around the world to this blog in the last 48 hours alone:

  • Quebec, Canada searched "feels like something rolling up and down my oesophagus" and came here
  • California, USA searched "how to make a baby roller coaster" and came here
  • Pennsylvania, USA searched "island boys bums" and came here
  • Dakar, Singapore searched the words "advice for never giving up" and came here - hang in there Singapore!!
  • Washington, USA searched "what to do when limerance is gone" and they came here
  • Bronx, USA searched "wung it" and also "i wung it" and came here
  • Kent, UK searched "rules for the happy secreataries" and came here
  • Auckland, New Zealand searched "how do you make tapa cloth ink" and came here
  • Auckland, New Zealand searched "shazza zulu" and came here - hello?? I made that up!
  • Kent, UK searched "preteen heaven" and came here - hmmmmmm wonder what they were looking for
  • Xiamen, China searched "fuck babysister" and came here - know what they were looking for! that's just rude!
  • Missouri, USA searched "island dresses and mumus" and came here
  • California, USA searched "bird and frog refuse to lose" and came here

Hello? What are these some of these people searching for? I am slightly worried. People looking for happy babies and happy secretaries, for never giving up and keeping limerance, for island boys bums and birds and frogs that refuse to lose. Oi vei.

Everyone else who visited this blog in the last 48 hours already knew how to get here or linked to this site via Masalai and PNG Life.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmm...'Bird and Frog refuse to lose' I kinda like that line. I might use it for something one day.

Maybe it reminds me of that saying 'A bird and a fish can fall in love, but where would they live?'

16 March, 2007 11:31  

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